Young Living’s 30 Year Celebration Convention just wrapped up! WOW! I have been with Young Living for over 28 years. Convention time is AMAZING! Always new things coming.

Can I get a SHOUT for the new DeepSpectra technology?!

This new DeepSpectra technology is a GAME CHANGER! This is a patents pending technology that no other company has. NONE!

That’s not all that has me EXCITED. Have you heard about the new tools for the Make a Shift System?

The Make a Shift System is a way to introduce people to Young Living through experiences. One example is the sour dough parties. One YL member is inviting people to come to a sour dough party and then bringing oils into it. Many distributors are creating “experiences” and creating connection with their community while also incorporating essential oils into the experience. Some examples besides the sour dough party are Mommy and Me Stroller Walk, Men’s Camp, all of your classes like hormone classes, Moms Reset, Energy Reset, lots of ideas.

We had the 14 Day NingXia Reset which was so successful, YL decided to make us several more options with all the tools we need. You can download a Zip file with all you need to have your own Make a Shift Reset in whatever platform you choose. If you prefer, classes, one on one kitchen table, social media, Facebook Groups, texting, What’s App, Messenger, email or whatever works for you. ALL the tools you need are included.

You will find these resources in your YL Digital Library.

Here are a few things to start:

Getting Started With The Make A Shift System Pdf

Make a Shift NingXia Red Reset Kit Guide Pdf

Make a shift with Thieves essentials Pdf

Rest and Renew 14-Day Reset Toolkit

Make A Move Free Experience Toolkit

Inner Boost and Balance Tool Kit

Simply Spring Host Tool Kit Simply Spring Host Tool Kit

Royal Crown Diamond Jodie Meschuk talking about inviting to your free experiences and your resets. Get ready to take a ton of notes.

Schedule for NingXia Reset Make a Shift System

I am planning to add a link to each month’s tools and any relevant training and how people are using the system so you can access them easily.

To see the current month’s Make a Shift System details and tools CLICK HERE!. Updated monthly on Young Living Business Builders website.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell

That quote came from one of John Maxwell’s books. All his books are really good reading. If you want to create income in your Young Living Business, it is important that you immediately start thinking and acting like a leader. As soon as you sponsor your first downline member, you ARE A LEADER. The question is, where are you leading your team?

Think about the example you are setting as a distributor and as a leader. Whatever you do, your team will generally do pretty much the same thing.

Habits of a Successful Leader

Be a Product of the Products – In other words, you must be using Young Living products. You can not recommend people buy products you aren’t using yourself. It also really helps when you LOVE the product. Since your team will follow your example, you will want them to see you using and expressing your love for the products. Share your favorite oil tips.

Leaders Are Readers – Have the reading habits of a leader. There are books, audios, Facebook Groups, newsletters & blogs written by upline and other Young Living leaders. Learning and growing is one of the most important aspects of a good leader. Learn from those who have had success and can show you the way.

A Leader Takes ACTION – They are self starters and they do what it takes and they blaze a trail for team members to follow. They work on their business every day or at least 5 days a week. Most people are not successful simply because they never begin to take the right actions.

A Leader Takes Responsibility – They take charge of their own business and treat it as a business. They proceed with the attitude, “If it is to be, it’s up to ME!

Leaders COMMUNICATE With Their Team – There are a lot of ways to communicate. A phone call, send a text, team Facebook Group, email, postal mail, meetings, newsletter or blog, etc. Oil tips can be small but powerful when shared.

Leaders Attend Company Events – Events are where you associate with others who are on the same road to success. You can learn from each other and get fired up and motivated to press on. These days there are online events too. Keep up with what is going on with Young Living.

Leaders Have Vision – Leaders know where they are going and how they are going to get there. They focus on their goals and they make a plan to get there. They don’t allow problems and obstacles to stop them in reaching their destination. Since they know where they are going, if something comes up that blocks the road, they just make a detour and keep heading toward the goal.

These are just a few traits of a successful leader. Remember, You set the pace. Work on the traits that will lead your team to success.

The post Become a Young Living Leader YOU Would Follow appeared first on Young Living Business Builders.

WOW! Here we are again. Another year has passed by. It seems like the years are going by faster and faster. I know that is not true. A year is the same number of days as always. I guess it just feels like it is going by faster as we are getting older.

I have always loved this time of year because this is the time of year that people set new goals for the upcoming year. I have never been one for New Year’s Resolutions. People usually don’t take those seriously, however, I am a firm believer in setting goals and making action plans to achieve those goals.

Every year it is a good plan to look back at the previous year and think about different things that have happened up to this point. Reflecting on both the good things that happened and things that weren’t so good. Don’t spend much time on the things that weren’t so good but just enough time to take note of anything that you learned or ways you could get a better outcome.

Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil

Not only is it important to be regularly analyzing things and improving as we go, it is also important to express Gratitude and celebrate the successes of the previous year.

One thing I am grateful for and I celebrate almost daily is the ability to work from home. If you are supplementing your family’s income or working full time from home, celebrate. It is such a blessing. Start there. Celebrate the power you have to generate whatever amount of income you want, either on the side or fulltime.

Celebrating is really important because it sets a success energy that attracts more good things. I recommend you use Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil Blend while you are doing this. Gratitude oil has a very abundance attracting energy. It also smells WONDERFUL and is very uplifting.

Three Reasons to Reflect on and Celebrate Success:

1. We train our subconscious to be aware and open to success and abundance.
2. We give our subconscious and conscious mind PROOF of our success and progress.
3. It builds self-esteem, confidence and belief in our abilities.

Some things to include in your reflection:

Any successes large and small. Even the things you consider small. Some of these small successes are stepping stones to larger successes.

New things you learned – This is a huge one that people often forget to include. Reflect on all the training you have taken, books you have read, videos & audios and live events you have attended, anything that has been good for growth in your personal development or business skills. Really celebrate this one knowing that training and personal development is the biggest success secret of network marketing professionals who earn full time income.

Don’t forget the things you learned by trial and error. Like when you began learning to write a blog or make a video.

There are lots of things you can add to your list. I recommend writing down your reflections. If you have been following my training for any length of time, you should have this done from previous years and have saved them. If so, take out some of your past years reflections and look at the progress over the years. This is really fun.

Reflecting on the progress you have made builds confidence. When I look back on the early days, when I was afraid to step into the leadership role, I am amazed at how far I have come. Network Marketing is the best business for personal growth and with Young Living we have awesome essential oils that enhance progress in so many ways.

After you have finished reflecting on the previous year, you can make a plan of action for the upcoming year. What will you do to increase your business? How will you improve on your marketing skills and what will you do to implement. Think about where you want to be at the end of this year. Write that down. Then make a list of all the things you plan to do to get there.

Writing all of this down is very important. It helps you have a direction for the year. Keep a copy of both the reflecting of the previous year and the plan for next year. It is really empowering to look back at the things you have accomplished in the past and how far you have come, especially when you have the notes for several years. You can see your growth over the years which is such a confidence booster.

It is also good to reflect on your WHY. Why you are building this business.

Click image to make it larger.

For more, read “How Strong is Your Why?

Take Action. If you don’t take action, NOTHING will happen. Actually you need to take appropriate action. Some people fiddle with this and that doing “business tasks” and are not really doing action that amounts to making progress.


Every morning ask yourself, “What can I do today to MOVE my business forward toward the success of my goals for my Young Living business?” What can I do today to get more people to ask me about essential oils?


The post Goals and Plans for Growing Your Young Living Business In the Next Year appeared first on Young Living Business Builders.

WHO am I?

Let me give you some clues.

Exactly WHO IS ME?

I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.

I am completely at your command.
Half of the things you do you might as well turn
over to me and I will do them – quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed – you must be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done
and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of great people, and alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine though, however . . .
I work with the precision of a machine
plus the intelligence of a person.

You may run me for profit or run me for ruin –
it makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet.
Be easy with me and I will destroy you.
Who am I?


It’s the habits you develop that determine your success in your Young Living Business or anything else.

As Jim Rohn said, “Work more on yourself than you work on your business.” Working on personal development is one of the best habits you can form. Not only working on mindset but also working on the skills you need to become a professional in your business.

In any business, you have to learn the ropes. There is ALWAYS a learning curve. There is training. Even if you work at McDonalds or Walmart, you have a training process to go through. You learn to take orders, run the cash register, learn about all the products, you learn how to deal with customers and a multitude of other things.

There is a big difference in the learning you learn as a business owner. You are learning skills that can either make you rich or make you struggle and fail in your business.

“You can never have, “do” or receive more than your own habits predict.”

Ask yourself, What habits am I developing that will insure the success I want for myself and my family. Are my habits productive or are they getting in the way of my success? We all need a self evaluating sometimes. We all go through periods of time where we are needing a kick in the pants.

Here are a couple good habits we all should be doing every day:

Read a few pages of a good book every day. Read something that will develop success mindset or skills you need for your business.

Listen to training webinars and . There are lots of excellent trainers out there that have awesome training. People who have built a successful business and share how they have done it.

Why not join me in building million dollar habits today.

The post I Can Make You Great or I Can Make You A Failure appeared first on Young Living Business Builders.

Young Living Convention this year was one of the most exciting I have seen in 28 years with this company. The opening was started off with Mary singing the convention theme song “Ignite Your Journey Home” with Jacob & Kait joining in and then Josef shifts it into a high energy finish that gets the crowd on their feet.

The Convention Oil this year is called Ignite Your Journey.

The convention theme is Ignite your Your Journey and YL going back to really talking about what makes us DIFFERENT!!

It’s time to get serious!

It is definitely not a secret that Gary Young is the modern-day father of essential oils, but few people know the history of how Gary started researching the traditional methods of distilling botanicals. Gary was designing and testing better distillers long before creating the company Young Living Essential Oils in 1994.

We are the original. The ones others try to COPY but they can never get close. They have nothing like YL. There is so much to share and so little space. You will want to visit the Oiled Wisdom site for NEWS!

Two really exciting things we now have access to and can SHARE!

YL Patents on distillation techniques and products.
Certificates of Analysis are now available and sharable. You will find them in the YL Digital Library.

Along this line, they announced the new DeepSpectra distillation technology which gets heavier molecules for an even higher quality essential oil. Two patents pending, so until those are through, they are keeping details vague because of the copy cats. This is HUGE!!! No other essential oil company has this!! NONE!

Did you know?

More patents have been filed by Young Living than any other direct sales company. A patent is what separates an industry leader like Young Living from the copy cat company or a me too product.

Young Living has been issued 17 patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Plus, two more patents pending on the new DeepSpectra distillation technology.

Companies without patents are copycat companies. They dont have farms or innovation like we do.

All of that is really exciting but there is even MORE! One if the new products isn’t really new at all. It’s the return of one of our original favorites. Thanks to YL Rosewood tree reforestation . . .

Can you guess what essential oil blend had rosewood? It’s VALOR!! I was just giddy with delight when they announced that the original Valor blend is back. It has always been a favorite of mine and the one precious original bottle I have left has been used mostly for sniffing and wearing in my bra. You know, for the radiating energy.

Original Valor was discontinued years ago because there was no sustainable source of Rosewood. But not any more! Young Living now has a sustainable source of Rosewood on a YL partner farm in the Amazon basin where the branches and leaves are used instead of the entire tree.

The rosewood reforestation project is so awesome. This is one of the things I love about Young Living. Learn more about some of YL reforestation projects here:

It’s time to get SERIOUS!

For too long we have talked about Seed to Seal but many of our teams don’t even really know what that means. Yes, we have farms but there is SO MUCH MORE. Those farms have distillers and GARY designed them. I am working on a history of Young Living Essential Oil Distilling on the Oiled Wisdom site:

These days people really need Young Living. I have been with Young Living for over 28 years. I have been here all those years. Never left. I was here when the only other oil companies were perfume grade oils. I was here before there were ANY other network marketing oil companies. I have seen the Young Living history from the EARLY days and visited the farms, Seen the DISTILLING!

I have seen various essential oil companies come up and try to copy. They can’t even come close.

The history of Young Living Distilling tells a LOT. Gary studied and learned distilling, then designed a better distillation system. He tested, tested, tested to get the distillery design better and better, to get the HIGHEST quality essential oils.

I am more excited than ever to be part of this wonderful company. It’s time to get serious and Ignite Your Journey with Young Living!


The post It’s Time To Get Serious . . . first appeared on Young Living Business Builders.

I am all about doing things that stir interest get people to ASK ME about oils.

I am not a person who can walk up to a person and start a conversation with a stranger, but I often have conversations with strangers. Just by wearing either Abundance or Christmas Spirit essential oil blend, I have people comment on how wonderful I smell. I say, “It’s one of my favorite mood uplifting essential oils. Have you ever used essential oils? …”

There are many ways to stimulate interest and start essential oil conversations.

Here are a few ideas:

1. WEAR essential oils. This is so HUGE. People will comment on how wonderful you smell. It’s an opening. Don’t miss this one!
Also –>>> Pull out oils and USE them in front of people. I like to put lemon oil or peppermint oil on the table when eating in a restaurant or with friends and family. I am always USING oils in front of people.

2. Strategically display essential oil items all around your house and wherever you are. I have baskets of essential oil bottles around my house for a dual purpose. Handy quick access and so pretty but also for visitors see them and make a comment or ask a question. Opening for a time of oil sharing. Easy Peasy!!!

3. Wearing essential oil related or Young Living Essential Oil promotional items. If you have attended any of Young Living conventions you know they always give you a really nice bag with the Young Living logo and other things like a spiral notebook and pen. Using these things can stimulate interest but also, you are reminding people that you use Young Living Oils and you have an oils business. I do this EVERY SINGLE TIME I am with anyone. You won’t have a conversation about oils or the business every time you use a promotional item but you are always reminding people that you do oils. The more you do it, the more people will remember you when the time is right for them.

Pay close attention to Young Living’s Seasonal Catalogs. They are often filled with gift ideas that have the Young Living logo on them. These things make great promotional tools.

There are lots of great ideas to remind people that you have an oils business and stir conversation about essential oils.

They always have cool promotional items in the Product Expo at convention. I have picked up coffee mugs, shirts and hats, a jacket, grocery shopping bags, awesome water bottles a calculator and pen set plus several other things.

One of the bags I got now serves as my laptop bag. I like it better than the one I got for my laptop because of the beautiful Young Living logo on it.

The point I am trying to make here is that we always need to be aware of opportunities to let people know what we do. We all have a lot of these tools in our possession but are we using them? I have to admit, there have been times I grabbed plain ole mugs instead of my beautiful Young Living mugs.

Always in subtle marketing mode.

Here are a few ideas from Zazzle:


Having a growth mindset is a really important key in the success of your Young Living business. It doesn’t matter if you plan a full time income or a part time supplemental income.

A growth mindset is the belief that you can improve and grow with effort and perseverance. If you trouble in this area, grab a bottle of Young Living’s Believe essential oil blend. Apply and inhale whenever you are feeling doubts about your ability to grow.

People with a growth mindset don’t beat up on themselves whenever they make a mistake. They learn from their mistakes. They make adjustments and keep on going when they have setbacks.

There are many things that you can do to develop a growth mindset.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

Set goals and track your progress. – Know where you want to go in your Young Living business. Set small goals and larger ones. Keep those goals in mind as you are working toward them. Use Magnify Your Purpose oil blend and think about the goals and how you will grow with each step.

Read about or listen to people with a growth mindset similar to the direction you want to make progress in. Listen to audios and videos. Watch Facebook Lives on the USAYoungLiving Facebook page. Follow people on Instagram and Facebook and watch how they are talking about using the oils in every day living, not selling and pitching but sharing how they are living healthy.

Learn some Sharing Ideas and choose what fits your style and have them in mind and prepared for oily conversations.

Take on challenging tasks. Try something new. Make a video or show yourself making a DIY recipe. Have an oil class. Start with using oils in front of people. Share a drop of Stress Away.

Remember the essential oil blends that help with growth mindset. Some examples are Magnify Your Purpose, Abundance, Believe, Envision, Highest Potential, Transformation, Valor.

By focusing a growth mindset, you can grow your Young Living business into whatever degree of success you want.


Spring and summer seasons are rolling around again. This is a busy time. Gardening, vacations, conventions and lots of outdoor activities with the family. So many things to keep us busy. It is easy to go into summer mode and forget about growing your Young Living Business.

You want to keep the momentum going and keep your business growing. You MUST set your priorities and keep growing. Growing your mindset, belief,

Successful distributors are always aware of the opportunities around them every day, everywhere. We don’t grow our business in spurts, working for a little while, then neglecting our business for days or weeks. There are plenty of ways to keep growing even while you are having fun.

Remember, Young Living is about living a healthy lifestyle free of harmful chemicals. We don’t turn that on and off during the busy times of the year. When you are living your oily lifestyle in front of people, it opens all kinds of doors for talking about oils. We talk about the things we love.

Here are 8 easy ways to keep your Young Living Business growing through the summer months.

1. Always wear oils and carry some oils with you. Just wearing oils will often cause people to ask questions. Wear your oils. You will smell wonderful when you walk in and people will notice. Many will ask, “What smells so good?” That’s your open door to step through and make an brief comment. Not a sales pitch. Just a comment, “Oh that’s my Stress Away oil. I wear that one on those crazy days.

Use oils in front of people. Make up some Stressed Mama roller bottles to share with other moms when you are getting together play groups.

2. Diffuse those oils when family or friends come over for dinner or a summer barbecue! Your house will smell great and people will notice. Set your diffuser out where people can see it. It is a conversation opener. “That’s my essential oil diffuser. I love diffusing essential oils to freshen the air and uplift the mood. Plus, diffusing is much healthier than the harmful chemicals in candles and room fresheners.”

3. Have oils on display everywhere. Displaying the oils is one of the best ways to start conversations with friends and family. Don’t have them hidden away where no one can ask you about them! Not only oils but oil books, diffusers and anything oily. Put your Essential Oils Desk Reference on the coffee table. Thieves products in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Show your oily chemical free lifestyle. When you are visibly using oils around people, people will ask you about them. When they have a need, they will remember you have oils. Make sure you let your friends know that you sell stuff. Don’t make a big stress over that. You can just matter of fact say, “I love essential oils so much I decided to start my own essential oils business. I needed to earn enough to pay for my oil habit.”

Don’t make it weird. It’s just the facts. If you feel uncomfortable about it, they will feel it. If you are open and matter of fact, just stating the fact and not doing a sales pitch, it will feel completely natural.

With some friends you are more comfortable with you may feel like being more bold and playful: “Yea. I do sell oils. Do you want to buy some?” Make a lighthearted comment. No big deal. Eventually some will become your customers. They will need what you have and, because you did not keep silent about your oil habit, they will know to come to you for help.

4. Take pictures of your summer oiled living and post on Facebook and Instagram Try to post something daily. It should not always be oil related. Just post your life. Share things that will help people get to know and trust you.

When you are cooking use Vitality Oils in recipes and don’t miss the opportunity to take a picture.

5. Check in every morning and evening with email and Facebook. This is especially important if you are doing Facebook or other internet marketing. You need to keep up to date with any important news but most importantly, you need to respond to any interest.

6. Wear clothes and accessories with essential oil related or Young Living logos on them. They are great conversation starters.

Diffuser Jewelry is another way to get conversations started. You smell great and people will ask about what smells so good. Don’t just say it’s an essential oil, say something about the oil that shows the VALUE for them. I spray Thieves on my mask these days since I am making sure I am not bringing germs home to my family.

7. Put a window decal on your car – don’t put company name but put something about therapeutic grade essential oils with a link that directs people to YOUR website.

8. Use Drop Cards or Leave Behinds that have your enroll link or direct people to your website. I like post card size mini flyers. There are times when I don’t even talk to people I just leave them in places for people to find. If you eat at a restaurant, leave a nice big tip with a drop card or a mini flyer. A drop card is not the same as a business card.

9. Always carry a sharing packet, well stocked with some brochures and whatever you like to share with people. Don’t forget to take your business with you on vacation. There are always opportunities to share and possibly even write off your trip as a business expense. Make sure you have your website and enroll link on everything on every brochure, flyer or whatever you leave behind.

There are lots of ways to keep growing your Young Living Business when you go through busy times. The key is to always be aware of the opportunities around you and keep doing something daily that makes progress.


I hope you are doing daily Abundance Oil inhalation and focusing on growing in abundance.

Today I want to talk to you about ALLOWING abundance. It may sound silly to even need to bring this up. Of course I want abundance! The problem is, we all have things in our past that can contribute to BLOCKS and RESISTANCE. There are a LOT of different things that can cause this. I have some tools to help with this so NO WORRIES!

I will let you know a couple of my abundance blocks to help get us started. In my past I had a couple traumatic experiences that made me know, deep down inside, that it is not safe in this world. The most traumatic was at age 9 a stranger attempted to abduct me. I was able to escape so nothing serious happened but I was really traumatized. That event stayed with me to this day. This shows up in all kinds of blocks and restrictions in abundance and even weight loss areas. One subconscious block was a fear of being too visible.

Another thing I want to mention is my parents fear of people stealing your money. Today there is a big problem with identity theft. As a child I heard my parents talking about people stealing your credit cards and stealing your money. I subconsciously took on my parents fears. For me, it translated to fear of having enough money for people to want to steal it. This is a subconscious fear. Our subconscious could actually make a VOW to never have enough money for someone to steal.

This can happen in small seeming insignificant ways too. An experience that happened to someone else can make an impact. One example: When I was elementary school age I saw a friend fall off the stage after giving a presentation. She tripped on the microphone cord and fell flat on her face. I laughed out loud and then was embarrassed that I laughed. My laughing at her made an impact on my subconscious mind. If I laughed at her when she made a mistake on stage, people will laugh at ME.

It’s interesting how our subconscious mind works. Years ago I started using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to help clear some of my emotional blocks. EFT is a wonderful tool for removing blocks but also raising energy level for most anything you are working to make progress in. I use EFT a LOT with affirmations and positive self talk. Affirmations are good but if I want to really make them powerful, I add an essential oil like Abundance Oil and then tap through the EFT points while focusing on the affirmations.

When you start doing EFT on a certain fear or emotional block, you might notice things from your past coming into your mind. This is VERY important. These memories that pop into your mind will be important things to tap on and clear. The tapping seems to bring things to mind.

Large and even the small things can become blocks and resistance to your progress. It’s like when one wheel on a shopping cart is stuck. You can move forward but it’s slower than it would be if all the wheels were moving in the right direction. Well, we can fix that! Thanks to EFT and other energy exercises you can clear these things that are blocking and slowing you down.

EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a form of psychological acupressure. With EFT you are tapping on various acupuncture meridian points while you focus on a negative issue you would like to change. You can also use EFT while saying affirmations.

More on EFT here:
What is EFT and How Can It Help Your Network Marketing Business?

EFT Points and Corresponding Body Organs

Remember, words have power. You can add allowing statements to your morning energy exercise. You can also tap through the EFT points as you do the energy exercise or other visualizations. Put oils on your fingertips before you tap.

I will be adding more on common blocks and resistance to abundance in upcoming blog posts, as well as EFT to help you clear each one.


Abundance Challenge

It’s getting warmer outside and things are springing to life. I guess that’s why we call it Springtime.

Since things are coming alive outside, it seems like a great time to energize our business. How about joining with us in an April Abundance Challenge?

Each week this month, on Monday morning, we will share some Abundance Tips with some abundance assignments for the week.

The first assignment will be one to work on all month.

1. Every morning you will put on your Abundance oil. Think about: “What does abundance mean to ME?” For us, it means financial freedom, paying off debt. For some it means freedom from a job they hate or more time with family. Whatever that means for you. Choose what your phrase will be. Example: “I am financially free and living abundantly.” Here is one I love to use, “I am so full of abundance energy I am overflowing abundance on everything I touch.” Every day, put Abundance oil on hands, deeply inhale, repeat the words you chose. Think about the words and visualize yourself as you have already achieved it.

Do this every day. Wear your Abundance oil and focus on your WHY and what does abundance mean to you.

Abundance energy tip from Gary Young:
Put a little Abundance oil on each wrist. Touch your wrists together. Touch your throat. Breathe in the oil that is on your wrists. as you do that, imagine a waterfall of abundant energy flowing down through your. Imagine receiving through your left hand, giving with right hand and expressing through throat.

Another similar abundance exerciseL+:

Apply a couple drops of Abundance oil to your hands
Cup your hands over your nose and deeply inhale. As you do this, imagine a bright golden light coming from above. This is the healing light of abundance. Imagine the light and abundance energy filling you up as you are speaking these words to yourself:

“I am full of abundance. I feel the healing light of abundance entering my body through the top of my head. The energy and vibration of abundance is filling every cell and every molecule of my body. Filling me with a powerful abundance energy that is energizing all my cells. Filling, filling, filling. There is so much abundance in my body now, it is overflowing. My abundance radiates out from me and fills other people. The energy of abundance is overflowing onto my team and energizing their efforts. We are like a magnet, attracting more and more abundance. ”

You can use the words as as they are or change it up to fit your plans. You can shorten it for days when you are really busy. Just get the picture in your head of the light of abundance filling and overflowing onto everything in your life, especially things related to your business.

You can also use the Abundance Energy Exercise with AFFIRMATIONS. Don’t forget to inhale your Abundance oil. If you don’t have Abundance oil, there are other oils that can work in a pinch. Lavender and Stress Away would be one option. Layer them, or just use Lavender.

You can also use the Abundance Visualization Tool with this morning routine.

2. Intentionally talk to 20 people over the entire month about oils. That’s 5 people a week. This could be talking to people you have talked to before, just following up. Could be someone you know. Could be a stranger. It can be a social media post, an email, a text. It can be using a drop of essential oil in your water at lunch with a friend and saying something like, “I love to use peppermint to support my healthy digestion.”

You never know how the smallest action will open an oily conversation.

Mindset and energy is important. Here are some things that may help:

Power and Energy of Words and Thoughts

Visualization Is A Powerful Abundance Attractor

Conscious Languaging: The Power of the Words you Use

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