The work we do as a Brand Partner with Young Living is more than building a business. You’re also helping to rebuild and protect threatened ecosystems. Many Young Living members have been able to participate in some of the reforestation projects.

“Doesn’t get much better than the Young Living Sandalwood Farm!! We had a blast planting trees together to give back to this amazing Island and the reforestation of the Hawaiian tropical forest. Our YL family continues to show the rest of the world what it looks like to give back to this amazing planet and be true stewards of the land! After we saw the Seed to Seal process in action it gives me even more confidence in our incredible products. Nothing compares to Young Living!! Nothing!!!” ~ Leon R Atcitty

Watch the videos below to see the exciting things Young Living has been doing with reforestation projects.


Original Valor and Rosewood Reforestation




The Kona Sandalwood Reforestation Project occupies one of the rarest ecosystems in the world: a tropical dryland forest. The team has taken on the titanic task of regrowing and rewilding the area’s previously deforested mountains. What was once completely depleted and destroyed by cattle over-grazing has been brought back to life, thanks to the Lee family’s work with Young Living. At the heart of this project is the deeply rooted Hawaiian value of cultivating a respectful relationship with the land.

Check out this video to see the incredible progress they’ve made!



The Palo Santo Reforestation Y.L. Service Trip 2023 was a huge success with more than 700 trees planted, our members got to take back home a lifetime experience that will physically thrive in the forest 80 years from now, providing a key habitat for endangered species, and crowding the Ecuadorean forests with life. THANK YOU for your effort and commitment to conservation.


Purchased in 2014, Young Living Northern Lights Aromatic farm grows and distills black spruce, ledum, and yarrow. As part of our commitment to sustainability, this scenic farm will also be the site of continuous reforestation of the trees we harvest, including the black spruce that are crucial for our popular Valor® essential oil blend.

In 2020 Young Living planted 16,000 black spruce trees at this farm. Also 20,000 blue spruce trees at the St Maries Farm in Idaho.
