I am all about doing things that stir interest get people to ASK ME about oils.
I am not a person who can walk up to a person and start a conversation with a stranger, but I often have conversations with strangers. Just by wearing either Abundance or Christmas Spirit essential oil blend, I have people comment on how wonderful I smell. I say, “It’s one of my favorite mood uplifting essential oils. Have you ever used essential oils? …”
There are many ways to stimulate interest and start essential oil conversations.
Here are a few ideas:
1. WEAR essential oils. This is so HUGE. People will comment on how wonderful you smell. It’s an opening. Don’t miss this one!
Also –>>> Pull out oils and USE them in front of people. I like to put lemon oil or peppermint oil on the table when eating in a restaurant or with friends and family. I am always USING oils in front of people.
2. Strategically display essential oil items all around your house and wherever you are. I have baskets of essential oil bottles around my house for a dual purpose. Handy quick access and so pretty but also for visitors see them and make a comment or ask a question. Opening for a time of oil sharing. Easy Peasy!!!
3. Wearing essential oil related or Young Living Essential Oil promotional items. If you have attended any of Young Living conventions you know they always give you a really nice bag with the Young Living logo and other things like a spiral notebook and pen. Using these things can stimulate interest but also, you are reminding people that you use Young Living Oils and you have an oils business. I do this EVERY SINGLE TIME I am with anyone. You won’t have a conversation about oils or the business every time you use a promotional item but you are always reminding people that you do oils. The more you do it, the more people will remember you when the time is right for them.
Pay close attention to Young Living’s Seasonal Catalogs. They are often filled with gift ideas that have the Young Living logo on them. These things make great promotional tools.
There are lots of great ideas to remind people that you have an oils business and stir conversation about essential oils.
They always have cool promotional items in the Product Expo at convention. I have picked up coffee mugs, shirts and hats, a jacket, grocery shopping bags, awesome water bottles a calculator and pen set plus several other things.
One of the bags I got now serves as my laptop bag. I like it better than the one I got for my laptop because of the beautiful Young Living logo on it.
The point I am trying to make here is that we always need to be aware of opportunities to let people know what we do. We all have a lot of these tools in our possession but are we using them? I have to admit, there have been times I grabbed plain ole mugs instead of my beautiful Young Living mugs.
Always in subtle marketing mode.
Here are a few ideas from Zazzle: