EVERY DAY wear an oil that will cause someone to comment on how good you smell (opening to say: “I’m wearing natural Essential Oils because I prefer a toxin free perfume. This one is called Stress Away. It smells great and who doesn’t want a little Stress Away these days? Have you ever used Essential Oils? …” Use Abundance, Stress Away or other oil choice. Mention what oil and why you like it. Be compliant. )
Have your 30 second commercial prepared and flyers ready.

Responses to “What do you do for a living?

When someone asks this question, answer it. Don’t answer a riddle. Example: I am an emergency retirement specialist.

If I ask you what you do for a living, what do you think I want to know?

If you say I’m in network marketing, do they know what you do for a living? NO. 99% of people don’t understand what that is. So you haven’t answered the question.

If you say, “I help people retire and have fun, bla bla bla.” Does that answer the question? NO. Say it in a way that they don’t have to ask twice. That is different than the way most have been taught. You want to answer in an honest way that instills trust, admiration and respect.

When asked, What do you do for a living?
“I’m a network marketer.” I know they don’t know what that means so I say:
“Like Amway, Mary Kay, Herbalife, but I am with Young Living Essential Oils.”

And then STOP talking.

Do they jump all over you and want to join? No but it creates safety 2 ways:
You told them the truth.
And then STOP talking. Every other Amway distributor starts talking and turns them off.

Shut up and let them ask questions for a natural conversation. When they show interest, that is when you proceed with your 30 second commercial or elevator speech.

Your 30 Second Commercial or as some call it – elevator speech.

When there is an opportunity to mention something about your product or business.

This is where your 30 second commercial comes in. Even if you are earning most of your income from a regular job, this is a good place to mention your business.

You need to create your own “30 Second Commercial.”

Then practice it over and over until you feel really comfortable saying it when the opportunity arises.

If you want people to tune in and respond to YOUR message – you have to make it super obvious … “What’s In It For Them”

Here is a formula:

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help_______________(ideal prospect) to _______________________ (achieve certain result)


I have a business that helps _________(ideal prospect) to __________ (achieve certain result) using therapeutic grade essential oils.

You want it to be really brief. The purpose is to stir curiosity and get them to ask for details. You have very little time to get your message across.

Here are a few ideas from other Young Living Distributors:

Jewels: My hubby has helped me with this. He says without apprehension: “I run a car lot.”
So he has got me to say simply. “I sell essential oils.”
Then they have to ask more if they want to hear more. Vague is better for an actual conversation to form instead of verbal diarrhea lol!

Jamie: Gosh I love this SO much! I personally hate when I ask someone what they do and they give me a long list of how they’re a coach and do challenges and what workout are you doing, blah blah blah… like just tell me you sell beach body..
If I’m interested I’ll reach out if I’m not, you’re saving us both a lot of time, lol. If someone asks me I’m like, “I sell Young Living Essential Oils!, and most of the time they say, oh how is that?, and then I can go into how I’m super passionate about non toxic products and using oils to support our bodies! Etc…

Tara: “I have my own home based Essential Oil Biz!” That’s it, I leave it open to conversation then! Simple!

Sonya: I have changed mine several times. What I have said recently is simply that I sell Young Living essential oils and products. It led to a short conversation, which none of my other pitches have ever done. I think simple and to the point is best. If you over complicate it than they tune you out.

Rachel: I sell Young Living essential oils which I LOVE, because I can stay with my baby and teach about something I’m passionate about- getting the toxins out of our homes and doing it affordably!!!

Barb: I am an distributor for a life changing health and wellness company called Young Living Essential Oils.

Vicki: I’m a distributor and wellness educator for Young Living Essential Oils. They offer healthy alternatives to the use of toxic chemicals in the home. Young Living offers all natural, oil infused products that have changed many lives, including mine. I show people how to kick chemicals to the curb and live a happier, healthier life.

Here are a few more ideas from a past training on brief words of intro:

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help people support their health by replacing toxic chemicals while creating a great income from home so you can enjoy the freedom to do what you love.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help people support their health while creating a great income from home so you can enjoy the freedom to do what you love.

I am a distributor and wellness consultant with Young Living Essential Oils. I help people who want natural solutions to health and wellness.

I am a distributor and wellness consultant with Young Living Essential Oils. I help people learn how to support their family’s healthy immune system by using premium grade essential oils.

I am a distributor and wellness consultant with Young Living Essential Oils. I help baby boomers to feel healthy and have tons of energy.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. We also offer a complete business system for women who would like to learn how to earn a good part-time income working out of their home.”

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help people support their family’s health with premium grade essential oils and also create a great income from home so they can enjoy the things they love.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help people support their family’s health with therapeutic grade essential oils and also create a great income from home so they can enjoy the freedom to do the things they love.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help women create a great income from home so they can spend quality time with their family doing the things they love.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help mothers who are tired of not having more time with their children, learn to build a business they can work from home and be with their children as they grow up, even if they have never had any experience in business.

I am a Young Living Essential Oils essential Oils Consultant who works with stressed-out Corporate Executives who want to earn a great living and enjoy a great lifestyle without having to work crazy hours and miss out on family time to do it.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help moms to earn a great income working from home.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help moms to work from home and earn a great income with a fun, part time business.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I teach moms how to earn a great income working from home so they don’t have to feel guilty dropping their kids in daycare every day.

I am a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils. I help people who, because of these shaky economic times, are looking to supplement their income through an in an easy and inexpensive home business they can work on the side, even if they are scared to death to speak with people.

Other ways to Talk to People:

When you go anywhere there are people, wear Abundance or Christmas Spirit or any other good smelling oil. I constantly have total strangers comment on how good I smell. That is your opening to tell them something. I ask them if they have ever used essential oils. I tell them Abundance is one of my favorite mood uplifting oils. Then I observe the reaction. Most people are curious & will start asking questions.

Wear Young Living Promotional Items

An excellent way to get people to ask questions about what you do, is to wear Young Living promotional items. You will find some to those things in your Virtual Office, product area, under “Promotional Items.” They have hats, jackets, shirts, pins, canvas bags, etc, with Young Living logo or NingXia Red. Check frequently to see what they have available.

If you received a Young Living Achievement pin, are you wearing it in public? The pins are beautiful and people often comment on it. It gives you an opportunity to mention your business and give your business card with your web site address on it.

Whenever you use this type of marketing, ALWAYS have something to give people who are interested. It could be brochure, audio, Drop Cards, Business cards, etc. If you give out info, get a phone number to follow up with them. ALWAYS put your web site address on EVERYTHING you give out.


When you leave your house each day to go to work or to do errands, take TEN flyers for inviting to an upcoming oil class with you and don’t come back home until you give them all away to people you meet! You’ll soon find that 10 are too few and you’ll increase that amount.

Example: If you are going grocery shopping – give a class invite flyer to the employee who greets you at the door, give one to the person at the Bakery counter, the Seafood counter, the Deli counter. Give one to the person in front of you in line at the cash register, the person behind you in line and the cashier. Give another to the person who bags your groceries. If someone comments on how good you smell, tell them it’s Abundance essential oil or Stress Away or whatever oil you have on. Ask if they are familiar with essential oils, then give them an invite to an oil class.
Don’t think of it as being pushy — you are just letting people know what you do. Never, never launch into a presentation —
you are simply trying to get your information in as many hands as possible. I like to hand the brochure or Prospecting Newspaper and simply say “I brought this for you!”

Or, if you aren’t doing oil classes, invite to connect on Facebook and give a flyer with your web site and other contact info.
