Having a growth mindset is a really important key in the success of your Young Living business. It doesn’t matter if you plan a full time income or a part time supplemental income.

A growth mindset is the belief that you can improve and grow with effort and perseverance. If you trouble in this area, grab a bottle of Young Living’s Believe essential oil blend. Apply and inhale whenever you are feeling doubts about your ability to grow.

People with a growth mindset don’t beat up on themselves whenever they make a mistake. They learn from their mistakes. They make adjustments and keep on going when they have setbacks.

There are many things that you can do to develop a growth mindset.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

Set goals and track your progress. – Know where you want to go in your Young Living business. Set small goals and larger ones. Keep those goals in mind as you are working toward them. Use Magnify Your Purpose oil blend and think about the goals and how you will grow with each step.

Read about or listen to people with a growth mindset similar to the direction you want to make progress in. Listen to audios and videos. Watch Facebook Lives on the USAYoungLiving Facebook page. Follow people on Instagram and Facebook and watch how they are talking about using the oils in every day living, not selling and pitching but sharing how they are living healthy.

Learn some Sharing Ideas and choose what fits your style and have them in mind and prepared for oily conversations.

Take on challenging tasks. Try something new. Make a video or show yourself making a DIY recipe. Have an oil class. Start with using oils in front of people. Share a drop of Stress Away.

Remember the essential oil blends that help with growth mindset. Some examples are Magnify Your Purpose, Abundance, Believe, Envision, Highest Potential, Transformation, Valor.

By focusing a growth mindset, you can grow your Young Living business into whatever degree of success you want.
